What do you think of single-sex educational environments?
Did you attend an all girls/boys school? Are your children enrolled in single-sex schools? Do you think it is legal?
Best answer:
Answer by Paul's Girl For teens I think it is a great idea. While there needs to be co-educational time, girls and boys do learn differently. I would love to teach in a single sex classroom of either gender.
Does religion create a better world? Does Atheism create a better world?
in Hindu india and nepal millions of poor children beg on the streets, are exploited as servents and for sex.
same goes for Buddhist sri lanka. Terrorism and begging is the norm in that land.
Buddhist Thailand , laos, Burma, vitnam has thousnads of girls who work in Brothals to earn a living
in islamic countries most people starve, women are oppressed and terroism is the way of life
Christian philipines , latin america is filled with people who beg for a living
Athiest china, north korea are oppressive regimes
Atheist singapore is another police state
Christian america still executes criminals, while crime is increasing and so is poverty
since religion and Atheism both have failed us in which direction can we turn now?
Best answer:
Answer by Yaoi Shonen-ai I like this answer to your boldfaced question. It was written by an atheist. "Faith, as such, is extremely detrimental to human life: it is the negation of reason. But you must remember that religion is an early form of philosophy, that the first attempts to explain the universe, to give a coherent frame of reference to manâs life and a code of moral values, were made by religion, before men graduated or developed enough to have philosophy. And, as philosophies, some religions have very valuable moral points. They may have a good influence or proper principles to inculcate, but in a very contradictory context and, on a veryâ"how should I say it?â"dangerous or malevolent base: on the ground of faith."
âPlayboyâs Interview with Ayn Rand,â March 1964.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Dreamworlds 3, the highly anticipated update of Sut Jhally's groundbreaking Dreamworlds 2 (1995), examines the stories contemporary music videos tell about girls and women, and encourages viewers to consider how these narratives shape individual and cultural attitudes about sexuality. Illustrated with hundreds of up-to-date images, Dreamworlds 3 offers a unique and powerful tool for understanding both the continuing influence of music videos and how pop culture more generally filters the identities of young men and women through a dangerously narrow set of myths about sexuality and gender. In doing so, it inspires viewers to reflect critically on images that they might otherwise take for granted.
Lady, Education, teach, victory, curriculum by Wolff cinema groep
Question by Tink: Does the Our Lady of Victory curriculum teach sex education?
I am in eighth grade and I am just curious to see if they teach it or not, because I am going to be having it for this school year.
Best answer:
Answer by Jenna Probably not. Catholic school curriculums usually give that responsibility to the parents. If they do speak of it, it will be in high school and I am sure they will not speak of it fully. But of course I have no clue either since I am in eighth grade as well, I am Catholic, and my parents are absolutely strict about that stuff. I guess we will have to wait and see since I am having the same curriculum as you are. :)
Words, help, Play, Need, some, Baby, Green, shower., invitation, 'Unknown' by _bruno_
Question by SayWhat?: I need some help with a play on words for an invitation to a green baby shower, sex unknown?
People usually buy green-instead of blue or pink- stuff when you don't know the sex of the baby.
But it is also being raised in an eco-friendly, green environment. The baby gifts in the registry are environmentally friendly. What is a good play on words (green on green) for the invitation? How about....
The pink or the blue remains to be seen, The one thing we know is, that kids going green!
Best answer:
Answer by anna A little sprout is growing... Come help us to shower it with love!
Or, Our love has budded and will soon flower into a new life.
Other non-specific baby colours are pale yellow, white and lavendar. Blue and pink only became gender specific in the late 19th century in Europe, the early 20th in the US.
Yes, we should, according to a new bill currently making its way through the Missouri state legislature. Missouri's House passed the bill in late January, and it's now awaiting a vote in the Senate. If it's signed into law, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families recipients suspected of using drugs would be forced to take a drug test in order to receive their welfare payments. The bill follows ...
There appears to be a fascinating sexual tension growing between old journalism and new journalism. A startled and exposed Tiger Woods discovered this the hard way, when both journalisms barged into his bedroom together with a kind of zeal that had no precedent in American sports.
Question by a.waller3656: How high are girl's sex drives in High School?
I'm curious about how much girls like to have sex in High School. I want to make sure that when I get into a relationship I don't make a mistake by trying to take things too far.
Best answer:
Answer by *We'll Make It, I Sware* that all deends on the girl. just talk to your girl about it. but dont like come right out and say it. be subtle about it. and dont rush. thats all i can say about that.
good, Nice, photos, Child, Afraid, molested by Okinawa Soba
Question by Kisses: I was molested as a child and afraid to have sex with men?
I have had a year of counseling.. But I just get so scared! I don't know why, and this only occurs with men. Does anyone know any ways of overcoming this and should I tell my boyfriend what happened to me? If so- how much detail?
Best answer:
Answer by wall_coatings yes you should tell him so he knows why youre afraid tell him everything you think he needs to know